Praktica Super TL
We are selling this SLR Praktica Super TL body in good condition, tested and confirmed to be in working order, including the functioning light meter. Only defect is a broken frame counter.
The camera is powered by a single PX625V battery cell which can be purchased separately in our store - the camera is sold without it. Strap is included as a part of this set.
The Praktica super TL is a 35mm SLR manufactured by Pentacon in Dresden (DDR, former East Germany). It features an M42 lens mount and stop-down TTL metering and a focal plane shutter. Year: 1968-76
Type: Reflex 24x36
Film: 35mm
Speeds: B, 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250,1/500